Manistee is ranked #1 in the lower Peninsula of Michigan among the 200 Best Towns for Sportsmen in the U.S, with an overall rank of #71 out of 200.
Don’t take my word for it. Credit for this ranking goes to OUTDOOR LIFE, June/July 2009 issue for their research on the 200 BEST towns for Sportsmen.. Now in fairness to our other half, the UPPER Peninsula, Marquette, Mi. ranked an AWESOME #2. However, the population of Michigan clearly sits below the bridge and MANISTEE has everything to be proud of.
This is the 2nd survey OUTDOOR LIFE has done, and they wanted to provide sportsmen and women, with the top 200 affordable, thriving, and perfectly wild towns in America. Written by John Taranto, it is a must read for anyone considering their next move, especially if you are nearing retirement. On the other hand, why not work where you love to vacation?
All of these towns offer affordable housing, low unemployment and the potential to earn a decent living within a short drive of FIRST RATE hunting and fishing.
Not news to me! The researcher measured “population percentage growth, median household income, median home value, cost of living, unemployment rate, mean commune time”. And a measurement of outdoors categories, such as, “gun-friendliness, huntable and fishable species nearby, town’s proximity to public hunting”…..the list goes on.
Pick up a copy and read all about it.
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